Providing you with Christ-centered childcare.

The Preschool program provides Christ-centered, quality child care for our South Florida community of believers. Our mission is to work together with Christian families in promoting the healthy spiritual, social, and cognitive development of the children in our care, preparing them for Pre-Kindergarten. Our program features godly, nurturing teachers, and a challenging curriculum with enriching activities to meet the needs of each child. We value the trust parents place in us as we pursue our mission of making disciples through building a strong foundation of faith and trust in God in the early years of a child’s life.
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. —Proverbs 22:6
Our highly qualified staff is dedicated to the whole development of each child, using challenging curriculum and a variety of enriching activities to promote and strengthen the spiritual, cognitive, and social growth of the children in our care, so that they are on the right path to be fully equipped for the next steps in their development.


Fee Per Month

Infant $1,150
One Year $1,090
Two Years $1,070
Three Years $1,060

Enrollment Fee


Preschool Curriculum

Preschool teachers use the Weekday Early Education (WEE) Learn Curriculum for ages four months up to three years. Our Bible curriculum, One In Christ, uses hands-on puppets and small toy Bible characters to engage children in the stories of God and His people. We accommodate the differences in children’s learning styles as they learn through play and various discovery centers. Since children learn best while involved in active play, teachers are intentional about providing each child with opportunities to discover the world around them at their own pace and learning style.

The Wee Learn curriculum for Infants and Toddlers uses age-specific stimulating learning activities for children ages birth to 8 months, 9-16 months, and 17-24 months. Teachers share books, music, nature, and toys to illustrate godly principles and fundamental knowledge about the world around them.

Two-and Three-Year-Old teachers use age-appropriate learning activities to lay a foundation for understanding God, Jesus, the Bible, church, self, family, others, and the natural world. Children learn through hands-on learning centers, social interactions, engaging group activities, and a story time that promotes the moral, social, and spiritual development of the children in our care. Children have active play daily both inside and outside to promote development of fine and gross motor skills so important for healthy growth.

Jan Lashbrook

Early Childhood Director


Denise Slade

Early Childhood Assistant Director


Jodi LeSerra

Early Childhood Administrative Assistant


Early Childhood Office

(954) 905-5184


7:30am – 5:30pm


  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Day after Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Eve
  • Christmas Day
  • Week after Christmas
  • New Year’s Day
  • Good Friday
  • Day after Easter
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day


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