• Introduction,Smile,Teacher


Thank you for considering a partnership with Calvary Christian Academy!

We understand and appreciate the careful financial planning that is required for investing in a private school education. As part of our thorough admissions process, our goal is to walk with you through each step, and share the long-term value of an exceptional Christian education.

We also believe that economic diversity enriches our overall school community and rightly represents the Body of Christ. So, we are dedicated to assessing your needs, and helping you determine the best option for your family. Here you will find information about scholarships accepted at Calvary Christian Academy.

    • HS,Science,Students


Tuition and Fees

List of 7 items.

  • Application & Enrollment Fees

    Application Fee
    Enrollment Fee
    The enrollment fee is used to offset particular recurring academic expenses for textbooks, classroom materials, student resources, standardized testing, and a CCA yearbook for each student. This fee is due upon acceptance and re-enrollment.  

  • Tuition 2025-26

    Grade Level


    Pre–K 3 (3 Day)$10,545
    Pre–K 3 (5 Day)$11,605
    Pre–K 4 (3 Day)$10,545
    Pre–K 4 (5 Day)$11,605
    1st Grade$14,415
    2nd Grade$14,595
    3rd Grade$14,835
    4th Grade$15,215
    5th Grade$15,630
    6th Grade$16,595
    7th Grade$17,660
    8th Grade$18,695
    High School$19,595
  • Tuition 2024–25

    Grade Level


    Pre–K 3 (3 Day)$9,855
    Pre–K 3 (5 Day)$10,855
    Pre–K 4 (3 Day)$9,855
    Pre–K 4 (5 Day)$10,855
    1st Grade$13,475
    2nd Grade$13,645
    3rd Grade$13,875
    4th Grade$14,225
    5th Grade$14,625
    6th Grade$15,525
    7th Grade$16,525
    8th Grade$17,525
    High School$18,325
  • Campus Fee

    Elementary I
    (K – 3rd Grade)
    Elementary II
    (4th & 5th Grade)
    (6th – 12th Grade)

    This fee is used to offset costs associated with activities fundamental to a comprehensive CCA experience, such as athletics and fine arts participation costs, travel for local and overnight class trips, mission trip airfares, spiritual retreats, homecoming, graduation, and other campus expenses.

    Costs associated with clubs, camps, intramural sports, and ACE are not included.
  • Safety & Security Fee

    Safety & Security Fee
    This fee goes toward ongoing investments in the improvement and sustainability of our security processes each year.
  • Technology Fee

    K–4th Grade
    $150 per student

    5th–12th Grade
    $250 per student
    The Technology Fee covers:
    • Laptop/Device
    • Tech support staff
    • Licensing
    • Management and monitoring software
    • Network infrastructure improvements
    • Internet safety subscriptions and more
    The initial cost of these items is greater than $250, but with an eye on good stewardship for the school and our families, we have developed a plan to defray the cost over several years.
  • Entrance Test

    Testing Fee

    All incoming Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade applicants must take an entrance test.

State Scholarship Opportunities

Florida School Choice Scholarships:

CCA accepts the Florida School Choice scholarship administered by Step Up for Students. The rules to qualify for this scholarship were changed significantly in the year 2023, and now every private school student is eligible regardless of income.

The four types of scholarships accepted are:

  • Florida Tax Credit
  • Florida Empowerment Scholarship - Educational Opportunities
  • Florida Empowerment Scholarship - Unique Abilities (more information below)
  • Hope Scholarships - related to bullying, and this scholarship is likely to be phased out.

If you do not have this scholarship, information is available at the website StepUpForStudents.org or 1-877-735-7837.

Please review the information of how Step Up For Students Scholarships are applied at CCA by clicking here.

Family Empowerment Scholarship For Students with Unique Abilities (formerly known as a Gardiner Scholarship)

Family Empowerment Scholarship For Students with Unique Abilities (FES-UA) is available to students 3-22 with an approved diagnosis (see their website for the list). All former McKay and Gardiner Scholarship recipients will now be covered under the FES-UA scholarship.

CCA accepts this scholarship for students PK4 through 12th grade. Please visit StepUpForStudents.org or call 1-877-735-7837.

Students who attend CCA who have a stated disability do not have an individual right to receive some or all of the special education and related services that the student would receive if enrolled in a public school under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as amended.

Folds of Honor

Folds of Honor provides support for students enrolled in grades K–12 of Service Members of any branch; active duty or reserves of fallen or disabled service members.

Criteria of service member: Was KIA (killed in the line of duty), or suffered the loss of a limb; died of any cause while on active duty or after being classified as having a service-connected disability; or have a 90-100% combined service-connected evaluation, rated by the Veterans Administration.

APPLICATION WINDOW:  A link for the online application will be on the Scholarships page of the Folds of Honor website every calendar year from February 1–March 31.

For information about this scholarship please visit their website at: FoldsOfHonor.org or if you have any questions please email: Scholarships@FoldsOfHonor.org

Tuition Assistance Program

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